If you have a pistol or shotgun that you want to protect, you can keep it in a nice looking and durable gun case. These cases are conveniently zippered for easy access and they protect your firearms. They come in different materials all depending on what's right for your gun or rifle. You can pick one in canvas or in leather. They are lined with fleece and Sherpa.
These gun cases will give your firearms the proper presentation and treatment that they deserve. The rugged durability of these gun cases are great for long hunting trips, a day at the gun club, or carrying and transporting your firearm in public with discretion.
When you use these superbly crafted leather or canvas gun cases and leather or canvas pistol rugs, you will appreciate the way they are made to accommodate your gun just perfectly. Not to mention that they are made right here in the USA. You will see the way that they are completely lined with fleece and/or Sherpa to protect the surface of your gun or rifle. They are also reinforced with leather on each end to protect your firearm from any sort of damage that could happen to it during transport. This will allow you to carry your firearm in complete confidence that it will stay in its prized impeccable shape.
This is what I have been looking for all morning! Do you sell these gun cases? I would be willing to pay a great deal for something like this. Write me back, please!