Don’t you feel good when you are buying quality products from a company that has been in business for years? Filson has been manufacturing outdoor goods since 1897 and you can be assured you’re purchasing superior goods. Clinton Filson opened his first outfit to supply the stampeders of the Klondike Gold Rush. Now there was a true test of quality, durability and dependability.
His first customers were the early gold miners and pioneers of the frigid North. Clinton Filson sold knit goods, blankets, moccasins, boots, shoes and sleeping bags all specially made to protect against the icy cold and winds, constantly testing every day survival. Filson products were a hit and still are today, thanks to his ingenuity and persistence in listening to his customers. His products have consistently been improved over time thanks to his willingness to take input right from the people that matter the most, his customers!
Today you can buy any number of well made goods including men and women’s clothing, luggage and travel items, backpacks, women's camp cooking gear, Filson bags, Filson Hats. Filson Mackinaw and Filson jackets. They offer some intriguing specialty items on their site for dogs, fly fishing, hunting, gifts and games, pants and chaps, eye ware & accessories and shooting apparel. Any items that you may be looking for in particular to be used outdoors are all attractively made, well designed and of the sturdiest quality.
For the fisherman and hunting buffs you just can’t beat the great selection of jackets, pants, vests, short and long sleeved shirts. The North Fork Wading Jacket and Mesh Fly Fishing Vest are winners all the way around for wading into the coldest of streams and staying warm and dry for some serious fishing! Hunters have some impressive gun sleeves to choose from that are light weight, compact, durable and protective. You can choose from a good selection of colors and of course you will specify the size. In addition they also offer a scope gun case and un-scoped gun case, which ever one meets your needs.
If you have a lot of outdoor activities, chores or a hunting trip lined up there is nothing like the jackets made by Filson. When he first designed jackets and coats way back in the 1800’s, he definitely made some great articles of clothing that can hardly be surpassed by another manufacturer today. Filson offers a fine variety of jackets and styles, which include the Cascade Vest or jacket, down vests or down jackets, Polartec Outfitter, Yukon Wool Cape Coat and a medium and heavy weight outfitter jacket. These are all made for some seriously cold temperatures, so that you can concentrate on your chores or sighting in that big buck!
In addition to outdoor apparel, the Filson company has been manufacturing livestock equipment for the past 60 years. You can take your choice of cattle chutes, goat and calf tables, sweeps and alleys, wheel kits, panels & gates and grooming chutes. As you can see if you need any outdoor apparel or equipment you can depend on Filson for supplying you with the greatest products that you can depend on.
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