The Marmot brand of sleeping bags, outdoor clothing and equipment includes general outdoor products like backpacks and sleeping bags as well as specialized clothing lines for men, women and children.
Their outdoor equipment line includes luggage, sleeping bags, tents and backpacks. Luggage items consist of their stylish range of black Endless Road suitcases and Long Hauler duffel bags. The Endless Road cases are both wheeled and come in large and carry-on sizes while the Long Hauler duffel bags come in medium, large and extra-large. Marmot sleeping bags are featured in a great many colors and buyers can get to choose between the Ultralight sleeping bags, the Backpacking sleeping bags, the Mountaineering sleeping bags and the Outdoor sleeping bags. All are down filled and most weigh less than two pounds.
Tents are Marmot's specialty and the 21 different tents that they have on the market can be divided into the Expedition, Ultralight, Backcountry, Outdoor and Family tents. The Earlylight 2P is a typical Outdoor tent and features a light but sturdy pole structure while the Den 4P is a Family tent that can sleep a family of four. The Backcountry tents include the Alpinist Bivy bivouac sack that weighs under a pound, and the Aeros 3P Ultralight features Marmot's famous 'bent-knee' pole system. The Expedition tents include the Thor 3P with its indestructible design.
Marmot's backpacks are divided into the Urban, the Day, the Fast & Light and the Mountain backpacks and include the Pilot reinforced shoulder bag, the Tirol Lumbar bag featuring the Dri-lex mesh, and the Grand Trunk, which has 1,800 cubic inches of space, a laptop compartment and two quart-sized water bottle pockets.
Marmot also manufactures clothing and lines they have on offer for both men and women include Outerware, Sportswear, Baselayer, Gloves and Hats. Outerwear for both sexes consists of vests, shells, pants, softshells and so on while Baselayer includes midweight and lightweight (and, for women, featherweight) tops and pants. Half-zip long sleeves and short sleeve polos are included in the men's Sportswear category, along with convertible pants. The women's Sportswear, on the other hand, covers items like long sleeve hoodies and long sleeve half-zips. Marmot Gloves for men and women consist of Snowsports, Work, Multipurpose and Liner gloves and mittens while Hats include such styles as safari hats, insulated baseball hats, knitted brimless caps, helmet liners and Primaloft hats with ear flaps.
Boys' and girls' children's clothes are also manufactured by Marmot and tops available for girls include parkas, down sweaters, insulated jackets and long sleeved half-zips. Boys' tops include the PreCip hoodie jacket, long sleeve midweight crew shirts, northshore jackets and reactor jackets. There are also pants for both girls and boys and these range from the midweight and lightweight bottoms to the insulated pants. Other items available for boys and girls include hats, mittens and gloves as well as fleece gloves. Here is a link to some marmot sleeping bags
Nice place for buying .. it is batter than http://blogs.consumerreports.org/home/2008/10/epa-sets-lower.html .. i like it dear...
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ReplyDeleteman i like that sleeping bag but i saw a similar one on outdoor gear that’s pretty similar and very cheap.
ReplyDeletePlease find more lugagge at lexingtonluggage.com